Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hobbits, Dwarves, Elves, and More: LOTR Night

Yesterday was The Lord of the Rings day for me. I stayed up late at night just for me to finish all three movies even though I swore to myself that I'll be sleeping early that day. I was watching it with my little sister and we both adore Gimli's antics. Oh, how can I forget? I technically watched it with my friend Iris too. We were BBM-ing as we were watching the movie. I was ranting about Pippin's stupidity and Eowyn's flirtatious tendencies towards Aragorn. We were also talking about how we want to be elves just because of their sleek hair and nice clothes as we swoon over Legolas. It was funny because we BBM-ed all day. Of course it wasn't all about LOTR, we also talked about different stuff. See how clingy we are? Anyway.

I guess its about time for me to re-enter the world of the Shire, Isengard, Rohan, Rivendell, Gondor, Mordor, and all those make believe places J.R.R Tolkien wrote about. I thank HBO for airing all three LOTR movies back to back 'cause its been awhile since I last saw LOTR. I haven't watched it since our original copies got lost which BTW, until now, we have no idea where it went. Like I said, curse that person who took it. May Smeagol and the Orcs be with you in your dreams ALWAYS.

What can I say, I'm a huge LOTR fan. I love the book and the film. I love everything that has to do with it. Thank you J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson for making this happen. Of course, HBO for airing the trilogy back to back last night. I'm so happy that I get to see Frodo Baggins and the gang after a long long time. Staying until the wee hours is totally worth it.  

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